Diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. This definition includes leukaemia, lymphoma and Hodgkin’s disease but specifically excludes benign, pre-cancerous/in-situ tumours or growths, as well as all stage zero cancer diagnoses. Any cancer that is diagnosed and treated through primary biopsy and not requiring additional intervention such as radiation therapy, or chemotherapy, shall not be deemed as cancer and will not have any benefit paid. Cover under cancer benefits will not be available for the first 12 months for any person diagnosed with cancer prior to the inception of this policy. Initial Diagnosis: The very first clinically confirmed diagnosis of any form of malignant cancer*, specifically excluding preliminary, tentative or other diagnosis not supported by clinical evidence of malignancy. This benefit excludes any incidence of cancer/pre-cancer prior to inception of the policy.
*Malignant Cancer: refers to cancer cells that can invade and kill nearby tissue and spread to other parts of the body. This definition excludes any diagnosis related to skin cancer.