An amount equal to, but not exceeding, the benefit selected at the application stage will be paid if you pass away from either Natural Death or Accidental Death. For purposes of this benefit, a claim for Natural Death cannot be lodged within the first 6 (six) months from the inception date, unless there is proof that the Insured was covered on a similar policy with an alternate insurer in the 31 (thirty-one) days before the inception date and the waiting period had already expired and where this policy is a replacement policy for such similar policy with the alternate insurer. There is no waiting period for any accidental death.
The Benefit Amount payable will be based on the following:
- In the event of death, due to Accidental Death, the benefit will be a lump sum amount payable to the beneficiary noted on the policy
- In the event of death, due to Natural Death, after the initial waiting period, where applicable, the benefit will be a lump sum amount payable to the beneficiary noted on the policy
- In the event of death, due to Natural Death, during the initial waiting period, where applicable, no benefit will be paid